Saturday 26 January 2013

Where To Buy Electronic Cigarettes

Why does a Smoker Need to Know Where to Buy Electronic Cigarettes?

The biggest part of what a smoker pays for a packet of 20 cigarettes goes to the Government. We all know that the UK Government do not like paying us our pensions. They have already extended our working lives, and the fact that smoking shortens lives maybe explains why the Government has made no attempt to ban tobacco cigarettes. For the Government, smokers bring in over £9 billion in tax, plus the vat and the taxes paid by the tobacco companies (unless they are doing an Amazon!). As smoking takes ten years off life span, that also saves the Government thousands of pounds. Now smokers who switch to vaping electronic cigarettes stop paying the Huge Taxes, and are likely to live longer, and draw their pensions for 10 years longer. No wonder the Government wants to ban e-cigs!

1 comment:

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