Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Hospitals,phones and cash back

Fantastic News, Lin is back from hospital safe and sound, but still none the wiser. Yes it is good news that she is not in danger and well enough to come home, but she has to go back to hospital for more scans and tests so they can find out what caused the problem in the first place. Now you may wonder why the tests and scans could not be done while she was sat in the Hospital, instead of Lin returning home and then going back to the very same building she was sat in. Do the hospital know what caused her to be rushed to A&E in the first place? NO! Can they be certain that it will not re-occur? NO! Would we both feel better when the tests etc had been done and we had been told what the problem was, how it would be treated and if it was likely to happen again? YES! Don't get me wrong, the Hospital staff where all fantastic and we know how lucky we are that we have the N.H.S. in the U.K.
While we where waiting for the lift in the Hospital the Hospital eye department rang my mobile phone to arrange an appointment. The reception was poor, and I suggested that as I in the building I just pop into the office to arrange the appointment, but I was told that was not possible, then I lost signal and was cut off!!
So we await not one, but two more trips back to Harrogate. Just as well I can get cash back on my petrol!!

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